Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS

Book Design

I was tasked with re-designing book covers for “The Remains of the Day” and “Of Mice and Men.”


Logo Design and Branding

This is a collection of logo designs and branding for different types of companies that I have worked with through freelance. WE Partnerships A simple angle in the typographic logo is the identifying mark for this company. The WE looks as if it were sliding …


Israeli Fruit Tea

Product Design Dried fruit tea is something my family and I love so much that every time we go to Israel we have to get some. Thus, I decided to make packaging for the teas if they were ever to be sold in America. English and …


Smith Memorial Playground

For this project, I was tasked with completely re-branding a local playground. I created a new logo and branding along with a mock-up of a mobile website. I designed a strong mark that is recognizable from far away. Smith is known for being a place …


Mary Cassat Publication

This book includes the life story of Mary Cassatt and is dedicated to showing her beautiful paintings. It also explains the methodology behind her styles and techniques. I decided to emphasize the type of brush strokes Cassatt used in her paintings by adding similar strokes …


The Mortals Handbook to the Greek Gods

For my senior capstone, I designed and illustrated a publication about the Greek Gods. As a child, I was fascinated with Greek mythology and it brought me a lot of joy reading about the Gods and the Greek heroes. By creating this book I got …